Zev Porat

Sunday, May 26, 2013

IRS Targeting of Conservatives Continues!

Cleta Mitchell, one of Washington's most respected elections attorneys, has sent out a memorandum she says demonstrates that the Internal Revenue Service is seeking to mislead Congress and the public.

Mitchell represents several conservative groups that have been targeted for scrutiny by the IRS and is counsel to the organization True the Vote, which filed suit against the IRS on Tuesday.

She said in an email:

"I have been working for more than a year to get someone to pay attention to what I perceived to be serious problems within the IRS in terms of targeting conservative organizations.

"Despite the efforts of the House Ways & Means IRS Oversight Committee and the Senate Finance Committee inquiring of the IRS, we have now seen that the IRS was not truthful with Congress last year. It is important that we not allow the IRS dissemble, deny and obfuscate the facts.

"With the recent news that, indeed, such targeting was being employed by the IRS, I have been asked repeatedly to provide information to reporters, members of Congress, etc. I decided to put together something of a 'big picture' history overview of the reprehensible situation at the IRS."

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