Zev Porat

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Not 'intelligent' enough to be an atheist?


By Ray Comfort for WND.com

"Can you please explain to me how 'Darwinian evolution' is different than 'evolution and speciation via the laws of natural selection."

We all believe in speciation and adaptation. Darwin often spoke if it, and we can see it all around us. Animals, insects, fish and even human beings adapt to their surroundings.

However, he also spoke of a change of "kinds," or what he called change of "families." He couldn't find any observable and testable evidence for a change of kinds in nature or the fossil record, and neither can you. Darwinian evolution – a change of kinds – dinosaurs to chickens, whales to walking amphibians, etc., rests on nothing but blind faith, because it can't be observed (it supposedly happened over millions of years). If you disagree, give me one example of observable evidence for it (the Scientific Method). Not hundreds of rabbit-trail links, not videos to watch – just one example that can be observed here and now – not over millions of years.

"Ray, can you point to one act of 'good' that no atheist can perform?" – Al E.

Sure. Let's look at the command to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The word neighbor means any and every person. In the story Jesus told of what we call the "good" Samaritan, he wasn't "good" at all. He just did that which God requires of us when we love our neighbor as ourselves. He found a beaten man, bathed his wounds, carried him to an inn, paid for his stay and said that if he spends any more he would pay the innkeeper the extra money. Let's now see if you have done that by asking a few questions. Have you ever lied to another person or taken something that wasn't yours? If you say that you have, then you haven't loved your neighbor at all. You have lied to him and stolen from him. When we look closely, we will see that none of us have kept that commandment, and on the Day of Judgment we will find ourselves coming under God's wrath for violating the law.

MUCH MORE HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/not-intelligent-enough-to-be-an-atheist/?cat_orig=faith

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