By - PPSIMMONS News staff writer
What is a "PPSIMMONS?"
Good question. The answer is even more interesting!
PPSIMMONS is the name of one of the world's largest and leading internet news and ministry channels. It started as a lowly and lonely YouTube channel and quickly exploded into the world of viral videos. Several of PPSIMMONS videos have been featured on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, and even mentioned on Rush Limbaugh. Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow became enamored with PPSIMMONS videos and often talked about them on their cable news shows. WND has regularly featured PPSIMMONS videos and stories. The Western Center for Journalism and The Post & Email frequently feature PPSIMMONS videos and articles as well.
Today, just a few short years after its inception, the YouTube channel alone has exploded into insane popularity with almost 29 million views and 28 thousand subscribers - and still growing by leaps and bounds...daily. PPSIMMONS videos are still the subject of discussion and debate all over the internet and millions each month come in contact with PPSIMMONS videos and stories through Facebook, YouTube, the PPSIMMONS Blog,, Carl Gallups YouTube, the Freedom Friday Radio show, PPSIMMONS Radio, and PPSIMMONS syndication pickups all over the internet.
Pastor Carl Gallups (pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Fl since 1987) is one of the original founders of the news and ministry network. Carl says, " A Birmingham, Alabama businessman and I came up with the original idea. A Gulf Coast youth minister who was internet savvy helped me get the YouTube channel started. We came up with the idea of starting the news and ministry outreach under the name PPSIMMONS. The mysterious title is simply an acronym representing the following phrase:Preaching the Precious Salvation of Jesus In Many nations and in Many ways, thus Obliterating our Nemesis Satan!
Pastor Carl Gallups |
The pseudonym of Pastor Paul Simmons was chosen to represent the team as a whole. Of course, this pseudonym is also represented by the moniker, PPSIMMONS. Gallups explained, "I don't even know a Pastor Paul Simmons. Although, I have had several inquiries from real pastors around the world whose name is Paul Simmons! They have all been quite amused that this name was chosen 'out of the air' for the ministry title. We chose this name because it had no relation to a single person on our fledgling staff. Some who began the channel wanted to keep a level of anonymity, so we chose a name that had nothing to do with any of us. I was one of, although not the only, main video producers and voice representatives of our videos. Before long - others came on board and got involved."
Gallups explained, "In order to get good people working with us, we have to provide a certain level of anonymity to folks. We deal with highly controversial Biblical topics, many of which are not considered politically correct in today's upside-down world. We cover topics like homosexuality, gay marriage, Islam truths, geopolitical events, abortion, terrorism and terrorist groups, Biblical misconceptions, cult studies, sexual sin, prophecy, political events that may be tied to prophecy, and the Obama identifying document fraud scandal. You can see why some people would love to work with us - but only if they can have a little privacy as they work. We give them that privacy. Because Mike Shoesmith and I do most of the public speaking for PPSIMMONS - sometimes people think we are the only ones involved. Not so - in fact, it would be impossible to do what we do if only two people were involved! No - we have a large team working constantly and I am thankful for them. The Lord is all over this!"
Just a year or so into the ministry endeavor, Mike Shoesmith (published author, blogger, entrepreneur, and long time Bible teacher) came into the life of the PPSIMMONS News and Ministry. Mike is now the Executive Editor of PPSIMMONS and appears regularly as the Canadian correspondent to Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups - a conservative radio talk program, with a national and international audience. Carl's show regularly features internationally famous personalities as guests and commentators. Recently, for example, Carl has interviewed Neal Boortz, Joseph Farah, Jonathan Cahn, Scott Wheeler, and C. Edmund Wright.
Dr. Grace Vuoto (Political and Cultural Editor of The World Tribune) and Jeff Kuhner (WRKO - Boston - The Kuhner Report and writer for the Washington Times) also make regular appearances on Carl's show. Dr. Grace is a weekly contributor to the show. The highly popular live talk show is aired over a 25,000 watt AM station on the Gulf Coast. 1330 WEBY, Northwest Florida's Talk Radio broadcasts to four states along the Gulf Coast and streams live over the internet and smartphone. Freedom Friday programs are podcast and always available for free download.
Mike Shoesmith |
Dr. Grace |
Jeff Kuhner |
Today, PPSIMMONS News and Ministry features the original YouTube channel, a syndicated Blog, a main FaceBook page, and several subsidiary FaceBook pages. The PPSIMMONS Ministry branch even has a live-counseling email address, ( where countless people have found new life in following Christ and planting themselves firmly in the Word of God.
Meanwhile, news sources from around the world continue to source the videos and original stories on the PPSIMMONS channel pages. A large and growing team of channel monitors, regular contributors, staff writers, and assistant editors work behind the scenes to keep the massive news and ministry outreach going. Mike Shoesmith and Carl Gallups serve as the "out front" men who are the radio and channel voices of the ministry.
THE OBAMA FRAUD CASE - Exclusive Information Source
PPSIMMONS has been a major pioneer in keeping the world informed of the growing Obama fraud case initiated by the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff's office under the leadership of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Lead Investigator Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups have traveled to Capitol Hill and to CPAC 2013 together attempting to garner support for a full congressional investigation and hearing in the matter.
The latest breaking news is that the desired congressional action may soon be forthcoming. Millions of people the world over depend upon PPSIMMONS to get the latest and most accurate information in this matter - since so much of the media refuses to even address it. PPSIMMONS is famous for reporting on the fraud case since the day it came into question almost 5 years ago.
Meanwhile, news sources from around the world continue to source the videos and original stories on the PPSIMMONS channel pages. A large and growing team of channel monitors, regular contributors, staff writers, and assistant editors work behind the scenes to keep the massive news and ministry outreach going. Mike Shoesmith and Carl Gallups serve as the "out front" men who are the radio and channel voices of the ministry.
THE OBAMA FRAUD CASE - Exclusive Information Source

The latest breaking news is that the desired congressional action may soon be forthcoming. Millions of people the world over depend upon PPSIMMONS to get the latest and most accurate information in this matter - since so much of the media refuses to even address it. PPSIMMONS is famous for reporting on the fraud case since the day it came into question almost 5 years ago.
Amazon's Top Selling Book in America (Science & Religion)
#1 best-seller right after its release in May 2012. Within weeks it was #400 in rankings out of over 7 million books on Amazon!

Still garnering FIVE STAR reviews today! Get your copy now!
Effectively Defending The Christian Faith
by Carl Gallups
Publisher: WND Books - Washington D.C.
A sweeping defense of the Christian faith using the latest scientific evidence, sound logic, and contextually interpreted Biblical truths. Packed with humor, easy to read, and nearly impossible to put down. People are raving about Carl’s book all over the world. Scientists, professors, university presidents and professors, pastors, and other best selling authors have heavily endorsed this book.
"A must-read book! / A muscular defense of the Christian faith. /An arsenal of powerful rebuttals to Christian bashers." (columnist - Jeff Kuhner of The Kuhner Report WRKO - Boston.)
Featured on TBN (PTL With Dwight Thompson), ATLANTA LIVE, DOVE NETWORK, COAST UP CLOSE TV, CREATION TODAY TV, (To be featured on CHRIST IN PROPHECY TV in January 2013), IN THE MARKET with Janet Parshall (Moody Radio) and in dozens of major radio markets coast to coast (From Mancow in the Morning (Chicago) to Bill Martinez Live (California). THIS BOOK HAS BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON! Get your copy today.
DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT Carl Gallups' Home Page - This is a daily site of devotions, videos, articles and Biblical inspiration. Use it in your life and use it as a witnessing tool!
ABOUT CARL GALLUPS: Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.
BREAKING! Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders. Read the story HERE:
Breaking: Congressman Jeff Duncan Calls For Investigation Into Obama Identity Fraud;