Zev Porat

Thursday, June 27, 2013

THROWING: Proof of Evolution? (YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!)


Changes in human torsos, shoulders and arms about 2 million years ago made us excellent throwers and gave us an evolutionary edge, research proposes.


PPSIMMONS What "happened?" two million years ago? Did just ONE human suddenly have the ability to throw - or did ALL humans - or just SOME humans?  And why did ONLY humans evolve this way?  Monkeys throw stones all the time. Why have THEY not evolved to throw like humans?  Aren't we from the same common ancestor? Why is it that some humans still can't throw properly?  Why is it that some human males still throw like a GIRL - like Barack Obama?   Why is it that girls throw much less capably than boys?  Are girls less evolved? Are girls less useful? Are girls further down on the evolutionary scale?  Why don't we LOSE the ability to throw - since we haven't THROWN rocks at our food sources for thousands of years now?  Will we starve if we can't throw anymore? And how did humans properly survive for millions of years before this supposed 'evolved' ability?  Just how stupid do the evolutionists think we are?  Hmmmm.

Notice also, this "study" finding grows largely from the 'imagination' of the 'researchers.'  There is not one shred of scientific method gathered evidence to suggest that "throwing" evolved in humans...not one shred.  YET - today it is declared to be 'scientific.'   Do you see why we call evolution - pseudoscience?

Two million years ago, a Little League baseball player was born.

That's what new research by a George Washington University researcher proposes. Humans' ability to throw objects — three times faster than our closest cousins, chimpanzees — allowed us to kill big game from a distance, enrich our diets, and grow larger brains and bodies, thanks to changes in our bodies that researchers believe happened 2 million years ago. 

"Throwing is a classic example of how human biological evolution has been shaped by both technology and behavior," said Jessica Thompson, an archaeology researcher at the University of Queensland in Australia. Thompson is not associated with the study.

The human arm works like a slingshot. When the arm cocks backward, its tendons, ligaments and muscles stretch like rubber bands and store energy that powers the rapid acceleration of the throw.
Evolutionary changes perfected this cocking ability. Our torsos expanded, giving our muscles room to stretch. A lowered shoulder and elevated upper arm bone changed the orientation of our storage muscles, allowing the arm to freely rotate away from the body, the research says.

The ability to kill prey from a distance was a "significant milestone in human evolution," Thompson said. With fewer concerns about safety and less time spent chasing prey, hunters could target a variety of animals, diversify their diets and spend more time in leisurely activities.

"We've displaced all other creatures. We've blanketed the planet. What makes us human being so special? The answer is speech and targeted, long-distance throwing. No other species can do these things as well as we can," said Geoffrey Bingham, a psychology professor at Indiana State University who has researched long-range throwing.

The study appears today in the journal Nature and was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

PPSIMMONS:  Yes!  A study FUNDED by a GRANT from a FOUNDATION!    Yes!  Now we know the real impetus behind the "STUDY!"  =  MONEY, GRANTS, FUNDS ... follow the money baby!


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ABOUT CARL GALLUPS: Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

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