Zev Porat

Thursday, June 27, 2013


What if all criminals could use the same hare-brained excuses as the Obama administration?

(NaturalNews) Everywhere you turn in the Obama administration, it seems, another high-level official has another excuse for why things have gotten completely out of control. "I know nothing!" seems to be the mantra of the executive branch these days, as if all these NSA surveillance programs, IRS targeting scandals, DHS ammo purchases and secret kill lists of American citizens somehow sprang into existence without anyone in the White House knowing about them.

"They went rogue" seems to be another excuse from the top. As if all the underlings running the IRS, NSA, TSA or other departments don't take orders from their bosses. Apparently they just show up to work and dream up whatever jobs they want, all while collecting a fat government paycheck they clearly don't deserve.

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