Zev Porat

Thursday, August 11, 2016


by Rev. Joda Collins

"Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock.... And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect… And the LORD said unto Cain…thou doest not well, sin…." Genesis 4:4-6. 
Many, if not most, church members do not have a biblical world view.  That statement may not shock you given the fact that many church members do not have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; therefore, not Christians.  However, and more to the point, many if not most Christians do not have a biblical world view, including those who adamantly say they do and including those who sincerely believe they do. 
Most professing Christians select the biblical doctrines they like, reject the biblical doctrines they dislike, point at the list of biblical doctrines he or she accepts and claims he or she has a "biblical world view".  That is not the proper definition of a biblical world view. 
Let me give you an example.  I do not like the doctrine (reality) of hell.  I worked very hard through the Scriptures in the late 1970's trying to disprove the reality of hell.  After several months, I came to the conclusion that hell is a biblical doctrine. I did not like that. I still do not like that. However, I teach and preach the reality of hell and do so without apology and without compromise.  I do that because I have a biblical world view.  The Bible, not my opinion or wish, is my final authority for my beliefs and my lifestyle.  

I struggle with a lot of verses that go against my innate tendencies.  I would rather destroy my enemies than be kind to them. I would rather take vengeance on  those who do me wrong than obey the command "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord".  I am really good at getting even. However, that is a talent I have set aside. 
I have a biblical world view.  Therefore, I confess that my dislike of the doctrine of hell, being unkind to my enemies and my desire to "get even" (vengeance) is ungodly and I give a lot of energy in conforming my world view (mind, character and actions) to biblical facts.  
Here is a list of some Bible doctrines that I have experienced as often unpopular with church folk.  
Husband love your wife as Christ loves the Church.
Wife, be submissive to your husband in everything as unto the Lord; reverence your husband. 
The head (leader) of the wife is the husband. 
Children honor and obey your parents.
Homosexuality is a sin.
Make going to church your habit.
Give money to the church of God's choice for you.
Serve through (not just attend) the church of God's choice for you. 
Do not cause division in the church.
Women are to be meek and quiet. 
Obey your pastor.
Pray a lot.
Do not lust.
Confess your sins to God.
Forgive others in the way you want God to forgive you.
No cursing.
Gossip is a sin. 
Study the Bible on a regular basis and know what is says and means. 
Share Jesus with others. 
If you do not give an honest effort to conform your life, heart and mind to every biblical principal noted above (or whatever is on your list), then you do not have a biblical world view.  Rather, you have a list of biblical doctrines you agree with and honor and a list of biblical doctrines you disagree with and dishonor and/or ignore.  In the latter case, you, like Cain, have a secular world view mixed with some Bible-based morality you agree with.  (Cain did try to worship God.) 
Until the Bible becomes the final and authoritative source of your life practice you are no more than another con-artist offering God the best you can do or think of without obeying Him.  
Able offered God what God demanded. Cain offered God what Cain thought was right.  Able was blessed because he had a biblical world view. Cain and his offering was rejected because he had a secular world view mixed with some God-ordained truth. Cain offered what was right in his own eyes.  Judges 21:25.
Jesus said it this way, "...no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled (wasted, worthless), and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles."  Mark 2.22. (Parenthesis mine.) http://www.icogsfg.org/ds-luke_5_36-39.html. ;
In Christ, we are the new bottles.  The new wine is the Word of God.  Until we fill our new lives with the new wine, we are unfit for the kingdom of God; our lives are wasted and worthless.  No one is perfect.  I am not talking about being sinless in our actions.  I am talking about being honest enough with God and ourselves to look at the list of Bible truth that we do not like, and repent and conform.  
The last thing the world, Church and/or Lord needs is more hypocrites in the pew.  Do not be one. They really stink. 
I have a great idea!  Why not take a few minutes right now, search your heart with the light of the Holy Spirit and repent if there is any wicked way in you.  
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:  And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  Psalms 139:23-24. "Casting down...every...thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."  2 Corinthians 10:5.  In these verses are the heart of having a biblical world view. 
Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with my opinions.

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