Zev Porat

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


by Rev. Joda Collins

In my article of August 18, 2016 entitled "Democrats Strain Gnats and Force Feed Camels" I explained the standard policy of smoke and mirrors that is used by Democrats to draw attention to Donald Trump's minor flaws and attention away from two more important things; Hillary's major flaws and the important policies that will determine America's future.   http://ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2016/08/democrats-strain-gnats-and-force-feed.html .
by Rev. Joda Collins People are often shocked and/or confused about the political landscape. ...

Now, much of America is engaged in talking about whether:
1.  Donald should have been verbally kinder to a beauty queen who lost control of her beauty and got fat or just fired her and be done with her, whether 
2.  The attacks of Rosie O'Donnell (on the TV program The View) should have been a subject for the verbal war between Donald and Rosie and whether 
3.  Donald should have invested his money back into his businesses and paid little or no tax or kept his money for personal use and paid more personal income tax. 
How absurd can some people be? 

What should be center stage for conversation and consideration are:
1.  American's right to bear arms for personal protection and protection against a corrupt government.
2.  The security of our borders.
3.  The safety of Americans.
4.  The future of Islam in America and around the world.
5.  America's military deterioration.
6.  The sanctity and protection of our Constitutional rights.
7.  The kind of federal judges we want for our future (federal judges are appointed by the President).
8.  The future of the Supreme Court.
9.  The future of our economy.  

If people want to delve into moral issues of the candidates, that is good, but in a one-to-one comparison you must remember, Donald did not loot the White House, has never taken a dime from foreign governments in order to line his pockets at the expense of Americans, works for a living rather than lives off of tax money, does not have people killed who disagree with him, has never called women bimbos, never threatened the physical safety of others, is not a liar, has not degraded our military power nor been the major contributor to the death of four brave men, does not support open borders, did not breach the security and safety of America, has not deleted emails that incriminate him in acts worthy of being imprisoned, he does not have an illegal charity where he funnels bribe money to himself, and he is not associated with and supportive of Isalmic goals that threaten America.  Hillary is GUILTY of all of these things and MORE!  http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/here-they-are-hillarys-22-biggest-scandals-ever/ .

What has Donald done that is bad?  He called a woman Ms. Piggy, he responded in kind to Rosie O'Donnell's verbal attacks and he re-invested his profits in his businesses and charities.  (The last item is only bad according to Democrats.)  The only reason Hillary paid more income tax is that she does not invest in America. She only invests in herself.  By the way, the reason there are tax-deductions for investing in America is because it is good to invest in America.  

You tell me who stands on the higher moral ground!  Trump.  Case closed. If your only consideration is voting for the most moral person, it is Trump.  Do not strain out of your thinking Hillary's gutter-morality while choking on the fact that Donald is not absolutely perfect.  Be smarter than Hillary gives you credit for being.    

In my previous article I dealt with the importance of the economy showing that if Hillary is elected, our economy will continue the downhill slide and if Trump is elected we can expect an economic boom.  This article deals with the Second Amendment; our right to own a gun or guns. 

It is very simple.  Hillary does not really believe we have a constitutional right to have a gun.  See  http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/clinton-individual-right-bear-arms-if-it-constitutional-right .  The pathway to taking our guns away by federal mandate and force is Hillary Clinton as President of the United States.  Isn't that clear enough for any reasonable person to see?  Can anyone be so stupid as not to see that?  If so, then there is nothing that could be written or said to help that person out of their deluded state.  That fool will vote for Hillary.  Excessive regulation is the pathway to the end of Second Amendment rights; always has been and always will be. Learn some history for crying out loud.  History repeats itself.  "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it," some wise fellow once said. 

Donald Trump is pro-Constitution and pro-Second Amendment. As President he will NOT do all within his power to take away your guns. He will do all within his power to protect our Second Amendment rights.  

President Hillary will do all she can to take away your guns.  President Trump will do all he can to protect your rights to keep your guns.  If you want to keep your gun, you better vote for Trump.  If you think the government cannot take your guns, you do not know the history of the world or even the history of your own country. 

There was a time in America where black people were not allowed to own guns!  http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/02/gun-control-was-historically-about-represssing-blacks.html .  If you, Mr. black man, do not think that is possible again, you are absolutely dead wrong.  Then, you are dead. 

A vote for Hillary is a vote to take away our guns.  If every gun owner voted for Trump, Trump would win every state.  

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Rev. Joda Collins 
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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