Zev Porat

Saturday, October 1, 2016


by Rev. Joda Collins

Donald and Hillary believe in Trickle-down Economics.  Hillary's version is the same as Obama's version and Obama's version is severely hurting the economy of the USA. (1). 

Donald's method will make America Great Again. (2).

First, it is important to define Trickle-down Economics (TDE).  

The word "trickle" is used because it denotes that most money is spent in small increments at a time.  Very few people buy something using 50% of their income.  Most people spend in small dollar amounts most of the time. What percent of the time do you spend more than 1% of your annual income at one time?  

The key to understanding TDE is to realize that only those who have money spend money.  The second key to understanding TDE is any spending of money is an investment. I am defining "investment" as to "purchase, give and/or use".  Every dictionary will agree with this simple definition.  When I use the word "spend" I am talking about investing money, purchasing something with money, giving money away or using money.  

The word "down" is used to denote the flow of money from its origin through various money users.  "Down" is not a good word to use because it implies a progressive deterioration of the value of the purchasing power of money or the downward flow of money through declining economic classes of consumers (from the rich to the middle class to the poor). Neither of these assumptions are true.  Money does not become worth less each time it is spent and money flows from the richer to the poorer and from the poorer to the richer without distinction.  Therefore  the "down" in TDE is not a very good word, but it is the best word, so far, economists can find.  

Economics in TDE means "distribution".  TDE is just the term used for the distribution (flow, use) of money from the printer through various consumers (users) of money.   Pretty simple. Everyone believes in some form of TDE. There is no other economic system that has ever existed!

The source of all money is whoever prints it, not the entity or individual that receives it and spends it.   TDE is the manner in which the agency that prints the money (the Bureau of Engraving and Printing) distributes the money to those who will spend (use) it and the method by which those who receive that money use it thereafter.

As specific methods (models) of how money is distributed from the printer to various receivers develop, those methods (models and/or patterns) of distribution solidify and once the pattern is relatively stable (established) we give titles to those methods.

In this Presidential race there are stark differences between the two candidates preferred method of TDE.  While TDE has many details, like everything in life there is a basic structure, a skeleton by which all other things form around or hang from. I call that the System.    

Hillary's preferred TDE system (TDES) is that the money trickles down from the printer to the banks, to those who have developed methods to earn it either by loans or consumer purchases.  As much as the federal government can take from (in the form of taxes) is taken from those who have developed methods to produce (earn) financial income. Those confiscated profits are distributed by the federal (or nation's) government according to the will of the government.  What the federal government leaves in the possession of those who have developed methods to earn money (if any) can be spent by them as they wish.  In this model, the federal government has a major role of taking as much as possible from income producers to distribute to those who are not income producers so those who do not produce income have more than they earn and those who do produce income keep less than they earn.   This is called "income equality" and/or "redistribution of funds".    This TDES is called "Socialism".  This is the format for big government.

Socialism has been tried over and over by many governments and countries for centuries. So far, no country has built a lasting vibrant economy using Socialism because Socialism depends on the producers enduring having a huge part of their profits taken from them in the form of higher and higher taxes.  Once the producers tire of having their profits stolen from them via federal mandate (high taxes), they stop producing any more than they need for their own success.  No person, agency or company will work long and hard just to give away the fruit of their labor or have it stolen by the federal government.  Once the businesses and individuals stop producing extra money (profits), the federal government runs out of money and all of those who were dependent on the free-flow of other people's money (from the producers to the government to the non-producers) get zero dollars. 

What is left are income producers who no longer produce sufficient profit to support non-producers and a large body of individuals who do not produce (earn) money who receive nothing from the government. This is called "economic collapse".  Again, this is the TDES of the Democrat Party and the RINO's (Republicans in name only).  This is the TDES of Hillary Clinton.  The federal government does not produce money, they take it from income producers and redistribute it.  This is "income-redistribution." 

Donald Trump's method of TDE (TDES) is the flow of money goes from the printer to the banks and then (directly or indirectly) to income (money) producers (those who create good and services consumers want and need).  The producers create as many goods and services as they think they can sell to consumers.  In order to produce more goods and services, the income producers require employees (provide jobs).  The more jobs they provide, the more money people have to spend and the more money people have to spend the more good and services people buy.   Those who want to work can usually find work because the TDES fosters employment opportunities.  Those who can work but do not want to usually suffer the consequences of their decision not to work.  The social network assumes the responsibility of helping those who want and need to work but cannot for various reasons.  The social network of helpers are churches, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Goodwill, caring Corporations, generous individuals and so on.  The financial stability of those in need is based on the profits of job creators, the income of employees and a benevolent society. 

Some (limited) taxes are collected for redistribution to assist those through federal agencies that the income producers and consumers are positive towards supporting via the government process (in America) of representative government. 

In this system, as long as those who produce goods and services meet the needs and wants of the consumer, the economy flourishes.  The agencies, business and individuals who produce valued goods and services make a good profit and employ many people in the process.  

This TDES is called Capitalism and/or the Free-Market System.  Capitalism, until the election of Barack Obama as President has been the method of TDE used by America and is the reason America is the most powerful economy the world has ever known (3). Capitalism is the backbone of our economic and military strength.    

This election is about a lot of things including what kind of TDES you want for America.  Hillary = Socialism and economic collapse.  Donald = Capitalism and economic success.  There is no viable debate about this.  All of history and all of current events support these realities.  On the part of Socialists there is denial and lying, but no position of long-term financial success that can be defended.

The Presidential debates are a waste of time.  No one needs a Presidential debate to choose between economic success or economic failure.  

Do not let Hillary and the Democrat Party derail you. This Presidential election is not about Donald's hair, his ongoing confrontation with Rosie O'Donnell, his comments on the Howard Stern Show or a beauty queen who was over her legally signed and agreed on contractual weight limit.  It is not about whether Donald Trump respects women enough for you (or according to you or Hillary), whether Hillary playing the gender card (vote for me because I am a woman and men have been in power for too long) is of overriding importance, how many dead bodies Bill and Hillary leave in their path, how crooked Hillary is, or how Hillary and the main stream media work together to try to destroy traditional Republicans   The number one concern of most Americans in every Presidential election has always been economics.  Whether that is right or wrong is another subject.

Both candidates believe in Trickle-down Economics.  One has a Trickle-down Economic System that always leads a nation (you and your family) into abject poverty and the other believes in a TDES that created a great economic America.  We can already see and are experiencing the economic deterioration of America under the Socialist, Obama (4).   Hillary promises more of the same. My suggestion is to Make America Great Again.  Only an idiot would expect different results by doing the same thing that is failing.  In my opinion, only dead-beats, idiots, traitors and dead people will vote for Hillary.  I am not trying to be crude or harsh, but the truth is the truth. 

Donald's TDES has a proven track record of success. Hillary's TDES has a proven track record of failure. If this election is, for you, about your economic future, then vote for Trump.  If everyone voted for the best financial plan, Trump would win every state. 

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

(1).  http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2014/02/25/5-ways-socialism-destroys-societies-n1800086http://www.nationalreview.com/article/435093/barack-obama-economy-jobs-ugly-truth .  Numbers can be manipulated.  For example, if one million jobless people are looking for a job, but 50% of them get so discouraged because they cannot find a job that they quit looking, then statistically, the jobless rate has gone done 50% because the jobless rate is determined by how many people are looking for work. When it come to statistics you can find pros and cons about any position possible.  Without the political spin, it appears to me America is less well financially than when Obama took office. The best gauge for that is the national debt, which has almost doubled under Obama.  Just like in your own finances, when you consistently spend more than you earn and you never save any money for the future, you are in bad financial shape. 

(3).  Many would note the Socialistic trend started in the 1870's and gained popularity (strength) in the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I do not disagree with that, however, B. Obama is the first President to be openly and aggressively promote socialism and decry capitalism across the board.

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