Zev Porat

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


by J. Israel, www.ConnectionMagazine.org

October 18, 2016- If the US Government made a law forcing you to deny your conscience and your obedience to Jesus Christ, would you? California has enacted anti-Christ laws to now legally force Pro-Life Christian organizations to PROMOTE ABORTION. Meanwhile, secular abortion agencies are NOT mandated to promote pro-life Christian values.

Regardless, Dr. James Dobson, perhaps America's most well known Christian family counselor, is calling for OPEN REBELLION against California's attempt to make Christians and all pro-lifers suggest and promote murderous abortion, "If California attempts to enforce this law then do not comply," he said. "Make them put you in jail."

The US Government's decision is to upheld a California law that calls for PRO LIFE pregnancy centers, most of which are Christian operated and funded, to promote ABORTION to woman they serve.


California's aggressive new law is called the Reproductive FACT Act, which Gov. Jerry Brown signed on Oct. 9, 2015. This so-called "progressive" law is a direct attack against the Christian faith and was reviewed and upheld Friday by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

So, how will followers of Jesus/Yahshua in California respond to US GOVERNMENT'S mandated orders for Christians to now promote abortion? Their reaction will reveal how the national Christian community will most likely respond; and Dr. Dobson is hoping for and inciting an all out revolution against this attempt to legally mandate followers of Jesus to promote the murder of babies.

"Christians across America must express their outrage at the Ninth Circuit Court's ruling to uphold California's so called 'Reproductive FACT Act,'" said Dobson in a written statement early Tuesday morning.

He added, "This ruling now forces these clinics to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs, and it is an affront to our constitutionally mandated rights to life and to religious freedom. This law - and laws like it - violate the U.S. Constitution, and they are a violation of our Christian conscience..."

Will you speak out?

"I encourage anyone with a voice to use it and to do so urgently." Dobson pleaded.


Psalm 106:38, "...And they shed INNOCENT BLOOD even the blood of their sons and of their daughters,..."

Prov. 6:17, GOD HATES "hands that shed innocent blood,"


Prov. 31:8, "SPEAK UP for those who cannot speak for themselves.."

Prov. 24:11, "Rescue those being led away to death;"

Connection Bible Prophecy in the news revealing the truth, prepared by editor@ConnectionMagazine.org to help explain the end times, last days revelation and prophecy in the news that is beginning to happen all across the United States of America and around the world. Those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, confessing and forsaking their sins, will be forgiven. Rom. 10, & 1 John

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