Zev Porat

Monday, May 6, 2019

This is the Strongest Economy We’ve Seen in a Decade, America (That’s Bad News for Socialists)

"The year 2019 was supposed to mark the end of the Trump economic surge. But the longer the year goes, the more it looks like there's no end in sight. The economy is growing faster, job creation is resilient, and wage growth is surpassing anything we've seen in the last 10 years. It's great news for the average American, and increasingly inconvenient for those telling us capitalism has failed," Brian Brenberg writes in Fox News.

"Add it all up and it's the strongest economic picture we've seen in more than a decade. And it's left the gloom-and-doom prophets scratching their heads."

Click here to read more.
"It's a good time not to be 'privileged,' to borrow the political vernacular of our progressive friends. Friday's labor report showed employers added 263,000 jobs in April as the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, the lowest in five decades. The best news is that the biggest beneficiaries of this tight labor market are the folks who struggled during the slow-growth Obama years," The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. "Many of the robust job gains came in businesses that hire those with less education. Construction added 33,000 jobs last month, for example, and has added 256,000 over the last year."
"If you relied on the Washington Post just a month before Election Day 2016, you would think the economy was on the brink of disaster," Charles Gasparino writes in the New York Post. "What's even more egregious is that the same folks predicting the end of the world refuse to provide sane analysis of radical proposals dribbling out of the mouths of the Democrats."
Ivanka Trump, who has helped the President lead the charge on American jobs, "heralded the new report that unemployment hit a 49-year low by cheering, 'We're making it happen,'" Paul Bedard reports in the Washington Examiner. "In a statement to Washington Secrets, the first daughter said, 'Our policies continue to deliver more and better jobs for American workers.' While others mined the report for how groups of Americans are benefiting in the economic surge, Trump has noted that there are now more job openings than those in unemployment lines."
"It increasingly looks like FBI chief Jim Comey was in far over his head when it came to counter-espionage. He may have been fooled by Russian disinformation targeting Trump," the New York Post editorial board writes. "Comey just penned a Times op-ed calling Barr a lying liar who's been thoroughly corrupted by the president. Sure sounds like he's worried about what Bill Barr is going to discover in his review of the misadventures of Comey's FBI."

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