Zev Porat

Thursday, May 16, 2019

White House: President Trump to Unveil Immigration Plan Calling for New Merit-Based Points System

"President Trump Thursday will unveil a detailed new vision for legislation overhauling the U.S. legal immigration system, rewarding skills and education as part of a new points system," Steven Nelson reports for the Washington Examiner.

"Under the Trump plan, the share of legal immigrants permitted entry based on job skills would rise from 12% to 57%. Family bonds as a justification for legal entry would fall from 66% to 33%. Asylum and diversity admissions would fall from 22% to 10%."

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On the heels of numerous claims of political bias within some of America's most powerful tech companies, "the White House has launched an online form asking people to share their experiences if they think political partisanship has led them to be silenced by social media sites," Barbara Ortutay reports for The Associated Press. "The form does not ask respondents their political affiliation."

Share your story: The Trump Administration is fighting for free speech online.
A major U.S. company announced this morning that it is "joining a White House initiative to provide training for new skills to U.S. workers," Reuters reports. Salesforce.com Inc, "which makes Internet-based software used by the sales and marketing departments of businesses, said it would provide online training for . . . workers to get jobs that involve Salesforce's software systems." That commitment, which Salesforce upped to 1,000,000 new job training opportunities at its announcement this morning, comes as part of the White House's "Pledge to America's Workers," spearheaded by Ivanka Trump.  
"The U.S. Border Patrol's busiest region on the southern border now expects to spend more than $20 million on consumable items and services for asylum-seekers, up from the $12.5 million it had budgeted for the year due to a continued surge of families illegally crossing into the United States, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner," Anna Giaritelli writes. "Nearly 250,000 people who illegally crossed into the U.S. as part of a 'family unit' have been taken into custody across the southern border since October."

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