Zev Porat

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

White House: Why Free Traders and All Americans Should Back Trump on China Policy

"If ever there were a right time to impose punitive tariffs, it is now, and it is against China," economic expert Stephen Moore writes in The Hill. "This is the right moment to shut down China's abusive trade practices forever."

Here is the essential fact you don't hear on the nightly news: "The average tariff that we imposed on China when Trump entered the White House was about 4 percent. China's tariffs on us were about 10 percent," Moore explains. "There is not one demand that Trump is making of China's President Xi that is unreasonable."

Click here to read more.
"NASA is planning on sending the first woman ever and the first man in nearly five decades to the moon by 2024, thanks to an additional increase to the agency's budget by President Trump," Amanda Jackson and Chris Boyette report for CNN. "Under my Administration, we are restoring [NASA] to greatness," the President tweeted.
"Next time you hear that the costs of the trade war are simply being borne by Americans, be suspicious. In their zeal to make Trump look completely wrong, on tariffs or other issues, too many commentators pick and choose their arguments," economist Tyler Cowen writes in Bloomberg. "Trump's threats are exerting some very real pressure" on China, Cowen says.
"Immigration crime, virtually all involving illegal male, Hispanic immigrants, was the top offense in federal courts last year, according to the United States Sentencing Commission," Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner. All told, immigration crimes accounted for more than one-third of all sentencing cases. These crimes include trafficking U.S. passports, smuggling, transporting, and unlawfully entering the United States.
"There is a clear disconnect between the rhetoric of the Democrats and the gains being felt in the Trump economy because of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The U.S. jobless rate is at a 50-year low, but according to the left, the current strong economic outlook is purely coincidental," tax expert Alex Hendrie writes in Fox Business. "Americans at every income level and in every Congressional district are seeing tax reduction, a fact that even left-of-center think tanks and the New York Times have admitted."

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