By Rev. Joda Collins
For them every follower of Jesus should be nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice, soft, cute, cuddly and sweet. Their view of Christ and Christianity is love everybody, be sweet to everyone, never say a critical thing, I'm okay and you're okay, and everything will be fine. There is no place in their theology for hell, confrontation towards evil people, being a warrior for Christ, verbally attacking others, being critical of others, God's chastisement, tough love or the reality that some thing are not and may never be fine.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not stating that God is not kind, gentle and sweet or that we need to be habitually unkind, attacking and nasty. What I am stating is that if there is no place in a person's theology for Jesus to whip the money changers, for God to command his people to enter the land and destroy all the inhabitants, for confrontation towards and rejection of some people and ideas, for anger, for war, self-defense, for not extending forgiveness, for eternal pain and suffering in Hell, and a historical biblical justification for the concept of an "eye for an eye" then they do not have an accurate view of God.
Yes, God is good, kind and sweet. However, God will kill you in a heartbeat even if you love Him! Ask Uzzah. (2 Samuel 6:6-11.) Yes, heaven is wonderful; hell is not but no one in heaven has or will ever shed one tear for a person in hell (there are no tears in heaven). Sorrow for lost people ends at the dividing line between this world and the next.
I am all for preaching and teaching the God of love as long as we preach the hate of God (Psalms 11:5, Proverbs 6:16 and 19). Does that shock you? If so, that is very sad. Look up the word hate in a full Bible concordance and see how many times that word is applied directly to God and godly people. If you cannot accept those truths, then you do not know nor worship the God of the Bible. You worship the God of your imagination. I love the Lord Jesus Christ but I am also afraid of God. There is a part of God's character that terrifies me that I never want to experience. See Hebrews 10:31. Unless a person knows something about fearing God, he or she does not really know much about God. At best, such people are not wise people. They have not even begun the journey towards godly wisdom, knowledge or understanding. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...knowledge...understanding." (Proverbs 9:10.) They "speak great swelling words." (Jude 1:16.) They are "wells without water." (2 Peter 2:17.) When such people talk, preach, teach or write about God, I find most of their words and all of their countenance nauseating beyond what words can explain. Spiritually, they smell like dung. I am amazed that so few can smell them.
Rev . Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.
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