Zev Porat

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

CONNECTING THE DOTS The Day America, and the Church, Sealed Its Destiny

By Pastor Carl Gallups

On June 26th, 2015, the SCOTUS "ruled" that marriage could essentially be anything we wanted it to be. We should be able to "love" whoever we wanted to "love." Several observations:

1. Marriage is the first institution ordained by God, from the beginning. He also made it clear than "man" had better not attempt to "change" it, implying a great and awful penalty to follow if they do (Matthew 19:4).

2. The SCOTUS, on that day, actually ruled against itself. Just two short years earlier (2013) the same court, and the same five consenting justices made it clear that it was illegal for the SCOTUS to determine the definition of marriage for the nation as a whole. As such, they struck down the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. in 2015, by their own ruling, they broke the law and violated the constitution.
(READ THEIR OWN WORDS HERE: http://www.carlgallups.com/scotusgaymarriage)

3. The VERY day upon which the ruling was handed down, was an ominous date in history. I doubt if any of the justices knew that. But the SUPREME COURT OF HEAVEN knew it, and the CHIEF JUSTICE of Heaven knew it. June 26, 2015 - on the Hebrew calendar was the 9th of Tammuz for that year. What's important about that date?

"Tammuz 9
In 423 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar's troops breached the walls of old Jerusalem and entered the city. Four weeks later, the Holy Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon."

Not only did the church as a whole sit largely silent through all these things, but to this day, one rarely hears anything about it from almost every pulpit in our land. By our silence, we "approved" it, or at least allowed it to prosper in an unmitigated way (Romans 1:32). So, God has effectively silenced the pulpits and pushed them to the internet - where they can ultimately be eliminated and controlled, by the evil powers - the new GIANTS - the tech giants.

All of this of course, was on the heels of the 1973 Roe v. Wade affront to Heaven. The same year we ruled that we could kill and throw away a human infant, right out of its mother's womb, we also passed a federal law (Endangered Species Act) declaring that if a person even molests an eagle's or turtle's egg they could spend time in federal prison and be heavily fined. Turtles and eagles became more valuable than our own children (Romans 1: 21-23). Again, I ask you: When's the last time your preacher addressed this from God's Word and did anything, anything at all, to attempt to change this atrocity? Sadly, in most of America's churches, the answer is "seldom, if ever."

We used to joke: If God doesn't hurry up and judge America, He'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. I've got news for America. God didn't apologize to the cities of Lot, and He owes no apology to America, or its apostate churches, denominations, and false prophets.

On the 9th of Tammuz 2015, we spit directly into God's face. On Nov. 4th 2016 (just a little over a year later), God brought us a man in the White House who was used by Heaven's Throne to show us the evil in our very midst - at levels most of America could have never imagined. We now know the depths of it. So God has taken that man "out of the way." We are now without excuse. Interesting that his name is Trump, isn't it?

Starting March 2020, God's judgment began first in the House of the Lord. All across America. All across the planet. For the first time since the birth of the church (2000 years), on Resurrection Sunday (the day that marks Satan's ultimate defeat), Satan arranged it so that billions of "Christians" could not find a church in which to worship and celebrate. The churches were closed. Pastors had run to the hills. Their sheep followed. (Revelation 12:12) Many of those churches are still closed, and/or on the brink of collapse.

What happens next, remains to be seen. But, I know what the Word of God says...and so should you.

Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time of repentance. Now is the time for the Church to finally, once again, be the Church .... while there's still a little light. The fields are still white unto harvest.

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the nations, then the end will come" - Jesus (Matthew 24:14)

As for me and my house, we WILL serve the Lord.
- Pastor Carl Gallups

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