Zev Porat

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Carl Gallups: Either we believe God's word or not!

Pastor Carl Says:
Let Me Share My Heart and Set Some Things Straight. (I'm sure, some of you will leave this channel after this. But, I'm not here to see how many "likes" I get or how many "friends" I have.)  Here it goes... 

I know a lot of God's people are upset about the election results and an upcoming Biden/Harris administration.  I am too. You may know that I actually opened Trump's very first FL rally in Pensacola in 2016. So, I was/am all in. I'm not a fence rider. 

However, I also know that NONE of what has happened has surprised the Lord. In fact, I even "prophesied/predicted" it just after Trump went in office (more on that in a minute). 
The truth is that ultimately, God has ordained what is happening. We've had our chances over and over and over. By and large, the church has failed. 

Think about it. While we were arguing over what version of the Bible to use (a very stupid argument), and whether or not we should "speak in tongues," or whether it was pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib - and then dividing ourselves up into denominations that "agreed with us" on these things - the enemy came right in among us and sowed the tares. Just like Jesus said he would. 

The church slept, fought with itself, and preached peace and prosperity, built huge buildings, and flew their pastors around in private jets, and filled the internet with "prophets" (most of them false). And here we are. 

As a nation, we've since aborted over 60 million of our own babies, and most churches never mention it from their pulpits.  We changed the definition of marriage with a court decree (even though God warned us that - What He has decreed, man had better not change!). We spit in his face. The womb, the seed of the womb, and the first of God's institution - we spit on them all. And then we wanted God to bless us.... 

I know you are saying, "But God worked a miracle by putting Trump in office to "bless" us."  That's not how I see it. It was a miracle, but not for what people thought. I even said so on an internationally broadcast Christian TV show (at the time the #1 Christian show in the world).  I said it just days after Trump won. Remember, I actually opened one of his huge rallies for him.  I was asked on that show, in front of a live audience (so I have evidence that what I'm about to tell you is truth), "Pastor, what do you predict about the upcoming four years"?  My response was not happily received, but they were polite in their listening. I think they thought I was crazy, but I knew better.  

Here is what I said:
"God has put Donald Trump in office to show us some things.  First, He's going to use Trump to expose the deepest darkest depths of the wickedness that is in our nation, government halls, and international affairs. It will be wickedness beyond what most will believe possible. But Trump will expose it." To that, everybody applauded my words.  Then I said, "Secondly, God will then show us the depths of the spiritual warfare that's really happening in the unseen realm.  All hell, deeper than anything we've seen, will come against Trump, America, and the church."  Very few applauded.  

Both things the Lord gave me have come to pass. To the letter. But, I'm not a prophet. The prophets', the true ones, have already spoken. They are in the Word of God. I'm just a faithful student and preacher of that Word. Therefore the Lord gave me insight into where all of this was headed. I prayed for a two-term run for Trump, but I NEVER NEVER EVER "predicted/prophesied" that it would happen. Deep in my soul, I doubted it.  

Either we believe God's Word or we don't.  I've been saying for the last ten years (from my pulpit, in my books, on TV, radio, and in prophecy conferences) that we are now living in the most prophetic times since the first coming of Jesus Christ. I've been saying that these days were coming.  I was grieved in my heart to see how unprepared the Church in America actually was. Then came COVID and I watched in dismay as America's (and the world's) pastors (by and large) ran and hid, and took their flocks with them into that hiding.  Most of them have still not recovered. Sheep are wandering everywhere, chasing after anyone who calls themselves a prophet (just like Jesus said would happen).

Brother has turned against brother. Even turning each other in to the "Covid authorities".  Truth is thrown to the ground. Deception abounds, and the demonic spirit of fear is sweeping the planet. The churches have to get "permission" to meet, how many can meet, if we can "sing", and should we wear masks.  Insanity. Depravity of mind. The lying spirit abounds. 

But, I know what my (our) responsibility is, right in the midst of all this craziness.  Jesus said in Matthew 24.  "This gospel of the Kingdom will be preached unto all the nations, then the end will come."  I'm PREACHING IT! How about you?

The sun will come up tomorrow. Enjoy your life - shine the light in the darkness. That's why we're here. Ambassadors for the Kingdom!

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