Zev Porat

Monday, July 12, 2021


by Rev. Joda Collins

Image result for talking to God

Christians are supposed to hear the voice of God.  "My sheep hear my voice and they follow me."  John 10:27. KJV. 

I just finished what I thought was a very good article for publication on www.PPSimmons.blogspot.com, but God said not to submit it for publication.  So, I did not.  I am retired from the pastorate, but started my own business (a behind-the-wheel driving school). I did not really retire from the pastorate; it is just that at my age most churches do not want such an old man for their pastor so I am just doing something else.  Anyway, back to the voice of God.  I had a driving student God told me not to teach anymore.  So, I am not teaching him anymore.  I married the girl God told me to marry.  We've been married 47-years!  My testimonies of God speaking to me are many. 

It is not bragging or weird to say that we hear the voice of God.  It should be the normal thing to hear His voice.  Early in my Christian life I learned the formula for hearing the voice of God.  Here it is:

"The person who has My commandments (my orders and stipulations) and keeps them is the one who really loves Me, and whoever really loves Me shall be loved by My Father.  And I will love him and...reveal...(and) manifest Myself to him -- I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him."  Amplified Bible (Parenthesis mine, Joda Collins.)   

Nothing in this life is more rewarding than a living, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  All the silver and gold of all the silver and gold mines in all the world pale in value compared to a viable and close relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 

One direction change from God can avoid a serious mistake and a lifetime of misery.  One touch from God can calm the greatest fears.  One ounce of confidence in God's love and mercy turns an, otherwise, frightening life-situation into something one hardly notices. All of this comes from a living and healthy relationship with God whom we can hear when He speaks. How much gold and silver are these things worth!?  People with a lot of money would probably give it all for the value of a living relationship with God.

In 1991, I had a life-threatening disease. I was told that there was much doubt that I would survive the surgery and to get my things in order.  As best I could I did that. However, several years after the successful surgery and the 14-month slow recovery, it dawned on me that I forgot to be frightened. I forgot to say goodbye to my wife and kids. I forgot to pray for a successful surgery.  God did not tell me if I would live or die. That may be because it never crossed my mind to ask Him.  How is it that a man can face an operating table knowing that the chances are he will not wake up on this side of eternity and forget to be concerned enough to pray about it - or even ask God for a successful surgery? 

The answer is that death has no sting for the Christian who has a vital and healthy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.    "Oh death, where is thy sting?  O grave, where is thy victory?"  1 Corinthians 15:55. KJV.

The grace of God meets us at our time of need and gives us what we need.  "But when...do not worry...it shall be given to you...."  Matthew 10:19. KJV.   On December 28, 2019, I became deathly-ill with the Wuhan Virus (before it was changed to Covid19 by the CDC because China did not want to be associated with what they did....ah -- another topic for another day).  For 10-days, I could not eat, could not sleep more than a few minutes at a time and could hardly breathe.  I knew I was dying because I know what the process of dying feels like.  Once again, facing death there was no fear nor concern. I am convinced there are two reasons for that. One, God gave me His grace when I needed it. Second, my many decades of a personal relationship with Jesus naturally overrode fear. 

If you do not know the voice of God, you are missing out on the sweetest experience life can offer; I hope this article encourages you to seek Him.   "...seek the Lord...and find him, though he be not far from every one of us."  Acts 17:27. KJV.

Rev. Joda Collins


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