This article is intended to be a reply to Richard Dawkin's book, "The God Delusion". It is my position that the following scripture prophecy is fulfilled in the religion of atheism along with the vehicle of the doctrine of biological evolution by natural selection with all species having a common ancestor
2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Now, this prophecy is connected to the revelation of the "wicked" who gets his revelation from Satan. The religion of atheism is spreading like wildfire across Europe and N. America thanks to apologists like Dawkins and Hitchens. In my extensive conversations with atheists and my personal experience trapped in the religion of atheism I have come to the sad realization that atheists have tasted of the fruit of the tree of elitist intellect worship and because of high sounding words and sophisticated nuance of ideas, ideology and idolatry of self they have entered into the paradigm of unbelief and dissatisfaction with faith in the unseen creator. They reject the truth of creation by miraculous intervention because the five senses are robbed of their stamp of approval and the fallen mind refuses to bow to the reality of the superiority of the spiritual realm where all created things have their origin.
Dawkins, Hitchens, and their underlings have taken over academia and converted once Godly institutions into halls of indoctrination for the sensual crowd. True knowledge has been thrown out the proverbial window in favour of the pool of pseudo-knowledge which, as the prophecy points out, is a deep trench of delusion and deceit.
Atheism is a religion. It has its places of worship, doctrines, and apologists. Sure, it denies the existence of God but so does Buddhism which is, as most people agree, a religion. As for doctrine, it has become increasingly obvious that there are definite articles of doctrine that are woven through the faith structure of atheism. They include but are not limited to cannibalism, fatalism, evolution, elitism, and more. Tactics that seem to be incorporated into their apologetics is blunt arrogance, verbal harassment, and belittling gestures. They have unwavering allegiance to the "theory" which has been drummed into them as scientific method but resembles cult-like personality worship.
It is also apparent that these persons have a God given gift of intellect and are trapped in the delusion. It is very enjoyable to engage them and it is impressive to watch the levels of game play they are capable of. At the same time, however, the counterpoint to their argument goes miscomprehended due to the delusion. It is sort of like the day the U.S. Army went into Baghdad, Iraq. There he was, the press secretary for Saddam Hussein, affectionately know as "Baghdad Bob", denying that the U.S. Forces had entered the capital and in the background of the video the whole world could see U.S. Army tanks rolling through town. That's what it's like debating someone trapped in the delusion of atheism. All of their arguments are contained within the delusion. They say things like "well, you wouldn't be so retarded if you went to this website or read this article or that book". As though the act of entering the delusion along with them will better enable me to know the truth when it is precisely those types of apologetics that have them trapped.
The delusion is like a bubble. It seems to trap people who have disappointments in life of varying degrees in conjunction with a higher than average desire to figure things out intellectually. They relate to the apologists of atheism in that they are offered a remedy to the confusion of existence. They are told they are, like the power supply in the Matrix, unspectacular, not unique, and no greater than any other "animal". How sad.
There's more to be said about this. I've really only just begun. Dawkins and Hitchens' books demand a response. The church is the voice of God. Moses represented a type of the Body of Christ. God said to Moses, "You are my voice. I made your mouth. You will speak for me". Let the church rise up in these days and give an account for their hope and refute the high-minded ideas that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God; the only knowledge that has the real power to set men free.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Atheist Delusion - Response to Richard Dawkins
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:). ... As I've said before. .. The scientific non-believer acknowledges "something" beyond the smallest particle visible in the microscope. ... The non-believer can't see, yet they believe; therefore, they believe in what they can't see! When one pronounces that there is no superior existence beyond humanity they eliminate the very concept of the scientific quest.