Zev Porat

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Heckler calls Obama "Antichrist" in California - here's why.

A heckler shouting about Jesus Christ interrupted President Barack Obama at a fundraiser in West Hollywood California before security dragged him out. As he was taken out the man called out that Obama is an antichrist. What evidence could this man possibly have to make such an accusation? Here is the raw video of the event. This article continues below the video.

This "heckler" is by no means alone in his findings. The evidence in favor of Obama being the End Time prophesied "Antichrist" is staggering. Here is a series of videos we created detailing the overwhelming similarities between Barack Hussein Obama and the Antichrist profile given in scripture written thousands of years ago. Get some popcorn, sit down, get comfy, and be amazed.

So - still not convinced? Oh!... what about when he agreed that "Jesus is the lord"? Remember that the heckler actually said "Jesus Christ is God - creator of the universe"... so not exactly the same as saying "Jesus is the lord". So no, Obama did NOT agree with the heckler. But even if he did it would not matter. There is a principle that exists in Islam called Taqiyya: Lying In Order To Spread Islam, is why non-Muslims cannot trust Muslims. And why Sunni cannot trust Shiite and visa versa. Islam is a religion of deception. It is all about dominating the world so that Muslims might go to paradise instead of hell. The greatest thing a Muslim could do, is to infiltrate the White House using Allah's given right to deceive his way to the top, in order to destroy America and it's non-Muslim allies, and allow for Islam to once again dominate the world. Watch this!

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