Zev Porat

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obama Elected BECAUSE He's Black - Cain Will Be Dumped REGARDLESS of Skin Color

It really is a case of racism no matter what the motives are. Obama was elected because of his skin color. Nobody knew anything about the man. We still have motions moving their way through the courts trying to determine if he's even eligible to BE the President. Barack Obama is an enigma - the result of style over substance - and a destructive one at that.

Cain, on the other hand, is a known public figure. He has no political experience but does have the knowledge as a successful business operator to run the United States economy into the black again. However Cain has recently come under fire for alleged sexual indiscretions, shown support for abortion (which he has back-tracked on) and now has shown in an interview that he is out of touch with even something as basic as whether or not Obama was backing the Libyan uprising.

Unlike Obama, Cain is a true black man. Obama is not. He is "mulatto" - half black, half white. Cain will likely not be chosen as the GOP candidate; not because of his skin color but because of his lack of readiness - his incompetence. The color of his skin is not the issue here and conservatives and republicans should be proud of the lack of racism in the party and movement. The democrats, on the other hand, should be ashamed that such a man as Barack Hussein Obama was allowed to make his way to the top without any vetting - simply because he is a well-spoken black man.

Perhaps it is time to highlight this reality - this monumental difference between the two titanic world views. Perhaps someone with a platform should stand up and say "enough is enough" to the racism which haunts the Democrat Party and liberalism in general. Perhaps now is the time to destroy the insane ignorance which plagues western society as a whole. And perhaps it begins here - with you and I - right now.

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