Zev Porat

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Rapture - It IS in the Bible!... THE TRUTH!

It tells a lot about a person who says the rapture is not a true doctrine because the word "rapture" isn't in the Bible. Did you know the word "forever" isn't in the King James version of the Bible? However the CONCEPT of "forever" IS in the Bible. The KJV uses the word "eternal" rather than "forever". Likewise the English translators use the words "caught up" in 1Thess 4:17. The Latin Vulgate translates the Greek ἁρπαγησόμεθα as rapiemur, meaning "to catch up" or "take away". This is where we get the word "rapture" from. And yes - it's in the Bible

So - what does it say about people who say the rapture is not mentioned in scripture?
It says they have an anglo-centric perspective on scripture (God only speaks English). It says they don't really KNOW the Bible. And since I have clearly shown that the rapture IS in the Bible they should abandon said belief and embrace the contextual truth. Refusing to do so reveals a stubborn tendency toward willful ignorance since the word "rapture" is in the Bible - but not in the English translation. Having said that we can always continue to discuss what the rapture MEANS but to say that the rapture isn't mentioned in the Bible is just silly.

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