Zev Porat

Thursday, November 17, 2011

On Racism, Evolution, and the Bible

When most people quote the works of Charles Darwin they will most often reference the book "On The Origin of the Species". Conveniently most people either leave out the rest of the title or else they simply do not know it. It goes like this:

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
The title changed to "On the Origin of Species" in the sixth edition.
Darwin's book title unfortunately lends itself handily to the practice of racism among human-kind and has done so with many people like Hitler who famously taught that Jews were inferior enough to not even be considered human. Genocidal maniacs have oft quoted the standard evolutionary bias toward superior races or, as Darwin said, the "favoured" ones.

The Bible teaches a very different dynamic - one that embraces all of humanity under one racial umbrella. We are all products of one mating pair - Adam and Eve. All people, no matter their color or formation of the eye, have a common father and mother. There are no favored races since there really is only one race of people - the human race.

There is an interesting story in scripture which deals directly with racism. Moses had a black Ethiopian woman as his wife. Moses' siblings did not approve. An argument arose and here is how it went:

¶And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
Numbers 12:1

Moses' brother and sister were exhibiting some racism against Moses here for marrying a black woman from Ethiopia. What did God have to say about this? He wasn't pleased.

And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed.
Numbers 12:9

To further illustrate this point, Miriam became leprous right in front of them. Aaron begged Moses to have the LORD heal her an He did. It was a powerful lesson for them. The LORD despises racism because in the beginning God made two - male and female. All peoples everywhere are the product of the union between Adam and Eve. Racism is an unnatural attitude and is anti-biblical.

There is no reason why two people from any people-group an earth should not marry and produce children. Perhaps this world would be a lot less racist if we would embrace the truth about all of this instead of relying on evolutionary mythologies to validate racist ideologies held by tyrants and psychopaths. Neither the Bible nor biology supports it and it is time, once and for all, to dispose of this evolutionary tenet. It is evil - and God is not pleased.

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