Zev Porat

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Jeff Kuhner Calls Obama the "Antichrist"

Jeff Kuhner of Washington politics and talk radio fame in an interview with Carl Gallups of Freedom Friday Radio in Pensacola Florida said Friday Dec 10 that President Barack Obama perfectly fits the description of the biblical "Antichrist".

Jeff Kuhner is a radio host, commentator, and journalist. He is a regular contributor to the commentary pages of The Washington Times, where he writes a weekly column, and has written for Human Events, National Review Online and Investor's Business Daily. He is also the president of the Edmund Burke Institute for American Renewal , a Washington D.C. think tank devoted to integrating minorities into the conservative movement. The Institute produces a monthly magazine, Reflections, to which he regularly contributes. He is also a radio personality, appearing often as a guest or fill-in host of theSavage Nation and the Jerry Doyle Show.

The PPSIMMONS Ministry has never actually said that Obama IS the Antichrist (though he certainly is an Antichrist) however we have given much video evidence affirming Barack Obama's candidacy for the job of the end time "Antichrist". Jeff's conversation with Gallups showed an understanding of the topic on Kuhner's part that Obama has set out to destroy every American institution and, if re-elected, could end the American societal paradigm all together.

1 comment:

  1. Those who have been behind the one-world government had him elected for one purpose: to destroy the U.S. If he wins the 2012 election (which seems an impossibility right now), we will know that we are fast approaching chapter 22... Thank God we won't have to live under those dictators. Keep looking up!
