Zev Porat

Saturday, May 11, 2019

White House: China is up to its old tricks; Tiger Woods; and more

Trump is Just Fighting Back in a Trade War that China Started Long Ago
-New York Post
"China is up to its old tricks on trade, but it's learning the hard way that there's a new sheriff in town: President Trump," the New York Post editorial board writes. "China has operated in bad faith not only in negotiations, but in its actual trade policies, time and again breaking promises to stop stealing intellectual property and trade secrets. Let's be honest: It was Beijing that started this war. Yet until Trump, America declined to fight back."
🎬 Vice President Pence: USMCA levels playing field for American workers
Constitutional Crisis As Absurdist Theater
-National Review
"Jerry Nadler has declared a constitutional crisis. The proximate cause is a couple of redacted lines, including one footnote, in a 400-page report. Let's be glad for the sake of the republic that an entire page wasn't withheld," the National Review editorial board writes. "Nothing in the regulations required Attorney General Bill Barr to release any of the report, let alone release it in its entirety. He did anyway. . ."
Mueller Cleared Trump — Now Get Over It
-New York Post
"It's now been more than six weeks since special counsel Bob Mueller, the former FBI director, concluded his investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 election . . . It's finally over," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) writes. "For two years, the Democratic Party held out hope that the legal system would undo their loss in 2016. They refused to make peace with the American people's choice. But the American people elected this president. They did. The American people voted for change."
Trump's Tariff Tactic is the Best Way to Finally Make China Stop Cheating
-New York Post
"The president held off raising tariffs on Chinese-made goods to 25 percent on March 1, as he had promised. The hope was that China, after decades of cheating on trade in every way imaginable, would finally agree to play by the rules," Steven Mosher writes. "Then, [last] Friday, China attempted to rewrite a whole host of provisions it had previously agreed to."
By Voting to Hold Barr in Contempt, Dems Defy Logic and Precedent
-Fox News
"You can't help but notice the phrase 'Russian collusion' has vanished from Democratic talking points and left a void in their narrative," Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), the top Republican lawmaker on the House Judiciary Committee, writes. "So Democrats have resolved to neutralize Barr by attacking his integrity . . . What a cynical, mean-spirited, counterproductive and irresponsible step it is."
Border Crisis Worsens: 100,000 Border Crossers Arrested in April, Highest Since 2007
-Washington Examiner
"Nearly 100,000 people were taken into custody along the southern border in April after illegally crossing from Mexico into the United States, marking the highest number in one month since April 2007, according to new federal data," Anna Giaritelli reports.
🎬 Border Patrol Chief to Congress: "We need more than words."
Melania Trump Announces Expansion of Her 'Be Best' Initiative with Focus on Child Welfare and Drug Abuse
-Fox News
"First Lady Melania Trump marked the anniversary of her 'Be Best' campaign on Tuesday by announcing the expansion of the initiative and another international trip," Andrew O'Reilly reports. The First Lady's signature initiative "will now include children of all ages, not just babies born dependent on opioids and other addictive substances, and young mothers. The social media pillar will broaden to add online safety to the emphasis on bullying and good citizenship online."
Tiger Woods Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom in White House Ceremony
-CBS News
"President Trump honored Tiger Woods for his momentous golf career by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, at the White House on Monday," CBS News reports. "The age of Tiger gave us moments that will live forever in sporting lore," the President said as he stood next to Woods in the Rose Garden.
🎬 Watch: President Trump presents the Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods

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