Zev Porat

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


by Rev. Joda Collins

Please read first the article found at 

If you have a biblical-worldview of women in the home, church and society, you believe:

1. A wife should submit to her husband.

2. Women are not called of God to serve in leadership over men, including serving and leading as pastors. 

3. Women should not have authority over men nor rule in society. This would include, but not be limited to, judges, Congressional Representatives, police and in the military. 

4. Women should not vote. (See Note 1.)

The fact that my positions are politically-incorrect ought to be a big tip-off that I am probably biblically-correct!  The problem is the world has so influenced the church that the church thinks more like the world, in this matter, than like God.  Most church people I know are comfortable with the teachings of the world regarding the role of women.  Friendship with the world is hatefulness towards God. Jame 4:4.

Even when I prove to most church people all four of the things numbered above are based on contextual Bible truth, most professing Christians do not alter their personal opinions to confirm to the Word of God.  Most professing Christians have their personal list of Bible truth they like and claim to believe "because" they are Christians.  However, they only agree with the Bible when the Bible conforms to their opinion.  They, also, have a list of Bible truth they reject simply because they disagree. They do not have a biblical-world view, otherwise they would conform all of their opinions to the revealed Word of God not just pick the parts of the Bible they like and reject the parts they do not like.  A well-known TV preacher of today preached against homosexuality. He claimed to have a biblical-world view.  Then, he discovered his son was homosexual.  After that, the preacher's position on homosexuality changed to "homosexuals are people too and deserve to be respected for their choices in life even if their choices are different from ours.  We cannot and should not dictate who someone can love (have a sexual relationship with)."    You see, he agrees with Jesus only when Jesus agrees with him.  He does not have a biblical-world view.  He lets God know when he thinks God is wrong!

Assuming you disagree, if I could prove to you that all of the positions (numbered one through four above) are biblically-based, would you change your mind?

There are exceptions to almost everything. For example, the Bible pronounces long life to the righteous (Prov. 16:31), but Jesus died young.  It is a sin to point to an exception to the rule to declare the rule null and void. While there are exceptions to the rule, they are exceptions and not the rule. They are exceptions for a reason!  Our task is examine why the rule has the exception.  It is a sin to allow the exception to replace the rule as the norm.

If you want to know what the Bible states about all of the above just read my book, Does God Call Women to Lead Men?  You can find it at http://www.lulu.com/shop/joda-collins/does-god-call-women-to-lead-men-when-women-lead-men-leave/paperback/product-6213802.html  or www.lulu.com/jodacollins . The book was also (self) published under the title, The Biblical Role of Women in the Church.

When I wrote the book, I submitted it to a well-known Christian book publisher.  The publisher wrote back and stated the book was "well-written and biblically-correct.  However, we declined to publish it because there is an insufficient market in the Christian community for such a book."   What does that tell you?

Imagine the improvement in America without Pelosi, Hillary or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

Imaging the improvement in Elijah's world without Jezebel.  Gentlemen, imagine the improvement in your world if your wife stopped trying to boss and control you.  

Imagine the improvement at work if you did not have to work for the female in authority over you!  

Are you beginning to get the idea?  Image the improvement in your church if the women were not in charge either openly or behind-the-scenes pulling the strings!   These things should create enough motivation for any Christian to find out what God states about women leading men in the home, church or society!  Here is where the worldly loudly and boldly proclaim the rare exception to the rule in their effort to declare the rule null and void and the exception as the norm (rule).   I can hear it already.   I've heard that all my Christian life. 

What do you think?  It is pleasing to be asked that question.  Who does not enjoy giving his or her opinion?  However, that question is an insult to God.  The relevant question is what does God think?  Do you know what God thinks about the role of women? If you did, would it matter to you or are you among the majority of church-goers who are comfortable with the way the world thinks and could not care less about what the Bible states regarding Bible doctrines with which you disagree?  Most church members claim their allegiance to Christian principles they accept while justifying with worldly wisdom the violation of Christian principles with which they disagree.

"...Jesus knew...that his disciples murmured (because of what he said to them) and Jesus said, 'Do (my words) offend you?'....(Starting then) many of his disciples...walked no more with him."  John 6:61-66.  Parenthesis mine, Joda Collins.   How very sad that so many so-called disciples of Jesus, in that day, only followed Jesus if and when Jesus agreed with them.  That was more than 2,000 years ago. Nothing has changed.  Hypocrites still abound in number many disciples still exhibit bold-impudent behavior towards Jesus when Jesus does not conform to their opinions.

The prophet Isaiah rebuked the nation of Israel with these words, "...women rule over you...."   Isaiah 3:12.  

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

Note 1:  After more than 30-years of female social agitation and obstinate protest, in 1920 men voted to give women the political right to vote. Therefore, we are in Plan B.  Plan B is the adjustment society has to make in order to deal rightly and wisely with being outside of the perfect will of God. That adjustment is for today's Christian woman to vote godly to try to offset the ungodly vote of ungodly women. 

Note 2: When I write "most church members" and "most Christians" I am referencing "most that I know."  

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