Zev Porat

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Atheism: A Closed-minded Religion... plus video!

I used to be an atheist. I'm very familiar with the modern atheist world view which is essentially nothing more than the re packaged philosophy of naturalism. I don't mean naturalism per se'. Naturalism takes on many faces from nudism to bird watching. The philosophy of naturalism however is not ambiguous concerning its meaning. It can, in fact, be defined with one sentence: the belief or doctrine that nature as it exists is all there is and nothing exists outside of nature. In other words there are no supernatural or transcendental realities. What you see is what you get. This is modern atheism. This is the new religion.

The sad plight of the modern atheist is the self refuting aspect of the movement. It is based on logical findings against any evidence for transcendental realities and yet logic itself is transcendental. So the favored tool of the atheist actually needs to be borrowed from the world view held by the theists and deists. Ironic, n'est pas?

Atheism is by definition a logical fallacy. It commits the same logical fallacy which says there's no such thing as black swans. A person must have seen every swan in the universe past, present, and future. This is not possible. The definition for atheism from dictionary.com is "the doctrine or belief that there is no God". This is a clear violation of logic. "But", the atheist will say, "There is no evidence for any gods so we disbelieve in their existence". This is where the closed-minded laziness comes in. Even Richard Dawkins, in the second chapter of his book "the blind watch maker" admits that the evidence for a designer is "overwhelming" but since we (atheists) don't believe in anything transcendental it must be an "illusion". Dr. Dawkins personifies closed-minded laziness.

Apart from the logic evidence for God and the design evidence for God is the anecdotal evidence for God. An anecdote is a personal account of events which happen to someone and to which that person is the only available witness. These accounts are often subject to embellishment due to the lack of corroboration but the events are real in any regard and provide an ocean of supernatural and transcendental evidence to which the atheist responds by either mocking and ridicule or by sticking their fingers in their ears and ignoring the evidence completely.

My advice to the modern atheist is to stop ignoring the evidence. Embrace the minimum logical conclusion that the philosophy of naturalism is dead. Take the first step toward reality. Do it today!

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