Friend - We are constantly underestimated. They said we couldn't win a primary; couldn't get the nomination.
That's what they told the founding fathers too. That's been the theme of our nation from the very beginning. But we're Americans – "couldn't" has never stopped us before, especially not when patriots come together for the sake of freedom!
All it takes is one person, one group of like-minded individuals, to start a movement and change the path of our nation. Our founding fathers faced the same odds, but they were determined to face the challenges ahead of them.
Friend, right now, we are on the brink of making history and we face many of the same challenges. With all odds against my campaign and every media outlet in the bag for Crooked Hillary, we were facing an uphill battle before we even started.
Critics and Hillary's "experts" in the media are saying we CAN'T win this November. With your help, we are going to prove them wrong!
They said I couldn't….
- Run for President… Boy have we proved them wrong!
- Win Any Primaries… We won 37 states!
- Get the Nomination… Received more votes than any Republican in history.
- Take on Crooked Hillary… We have exposed her for the liar she is, and she is shaking in her boots terrified of facing us.
- Win the White House… We can and WILL, but I need your help to get there.
Friend, we can prove them wrong again, but I need your IMMEDIATE help.
I am running for President because our country and our citizens deserve better. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, (the list goes on and on), have made disastrous choices and decisions for our nation that have put our economy and safety in great peril. I'm running because I refuse to watch Crooked Hillary walk America off a cliff.
Together we can restore our economy, strengthen our borders, revitalize our military and empower our country to be great again!
This is a team effort. I can only prove them wrong with your help! Will you join me in making history by standing with my campaign right now?
Let's prove them wrong!
Donald Trump
P.S. Can you imagine what our country would be like if every time someone faced negativity they just gave up like the media wants us to now?
America needs people like us to stand up when those in power plan to knock us down. This isn't going to be easy, but the things worth fighting for rarely are. If I can count on your support for this campaign, please let me know by standing with my campaign right now.
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